domingo, 10 de junho de 2012


Aqui ficam alguns dos testemunhos deixados por quem veio praticar com o Peter Sanson: 
Here are some testimonials from those who came to practice with Peter Sanson:

"(...)sem dúvida alguma a experiência de participar no workshop do Peter foi óptima e inspiradora! (...)Com esta nova descoberta no Yoga vejo-me com frequência a ler sites, blogs e artigos sobre esta grande família do Ashtanga Yoga. Imensos testemunhos confirmam os benefícios de uma prática diária. 99% prática 1% teoria, certo?!"  
"(...) without a doubt the experience of participating in Peter´s workshop was great and inspiring!(...) I find myself frequently reading sites, blogs and articles about this big family that is Ashtanga Yoga. So many testimonials confirm the benefits of daily practice, 99% practice 1% theory, right?!"
Jorge F.

"Foi uma experiência muito bonita...
Eu fiquei impressionada com a forma como o Peter se movia agilmente para cuidar de cada um de nós. 
Senti dinamismo, integridade, força, bom humor, muita simplicidade e presença do Peter Sanson.
"It was a very beautiful experience...
I was impressed with the way Peter moved with agility to take care of each of us. I felt dynamism, integrity, strength, good humor, a lot of simplicity and presence from Peter Sanson. Thank you."
Isabel S.

"One word can describe what I feel practicing under Peter's guidance: PEACE! I'm so happy that he could share his heart in Portugal!"
Rita O.

"Em relação ao Peter... deu cabo de mim... Puxa pergunto-me o que ando a fazer um ano inteiro?(...) saí de lá com vontade de o seguir! Adorei a sua energia."
"In relation to Peter... he killed me... Gosh i ask myself what have i been doing for an entire year? (...) I left with a desire to follow him! I loved his energy."
Susana M.

"Foi tao especial que ate custa escolher palavras certas. Gostei imenso. Os dias do workshop foram cheios de paz, felicidade e boa energia. Um professor de bom coracao, imensa experiencia que sabe transmitir a esencia deste practica, as suas origens e por que a fazemos. Inesquecível!" 
"It was so special that it is difficult to find the right words. I really liked it. The days of the workshop were filled with peace, happiness and good energy. A teacher with a good heart, a lot of experience and who knows how to transmit the essence of this practice, its origins and why we do it. Unforgettable!"
Laura G.

"It was amazing experience which confirmed me again what I already recognised - where ever I go with Ashtanga I always feel like home".
Snjezana R.

"Nestes quatro dias de prática intensiva com o Peter Sanson, senti em várias ocasiões o espírito de Mysore e do nosso Guruji. Aliás, penso que o Peter interiorizou um pouco do estilo do Guriji, no modo como fala com os alunos durante a prática... A shala estava cheia, as manhãs quentes e toda a energia transbordante, também me transportaram para a Índia. Obrigado Peter!
During these four days of intensive practice with Peter Sanson, I felt, on various occasions, the spirit of Mysore and of our Guruji. Also. i think Peter internalized Guruji´s style a little, in the way he speaks to his students during the practice... The shala was full, the mornings hot and the overflowing energy also transported me to India. Thank you, Peter!" 
Alexandre C.

" (...)ADOREI o workshop, foi um pequeno grande investimento para mim, fez-me muito feliz(...)".
"I loved the workshop, it was a small, big investment for me, it made me very happy (...)"
Joana L.

"Gostei muito da presença do Peter no shala, e da forma como incentiva/motiva e dá força aos alunos para saírem da sua zona de conforto e irem um pouco mais longe. Aprendi com os ajustamentos dele, sobretudo a descontrair o corpo nalgumas posturas, que constituiu um desbloqueio que veio a demonstrar que uma prática sem tensão, tem um sabor intenso e doce! :)"

"I really liked Peter´s presence in the shala, and the way he encouraged/motivated and gave power to the students to go out of their comfort zone to go a bit further. I learned, with his adjustments, above all to relax the body in some postures, which constituted an unblocking which went on to demonstrate that a practice without tension has an intense and sweet taste!:)"
João V.

"As a complete beginner into the wonderful world of Ashtanga Yoga, the workshop with Peter was a huge eye-opener into the essence of what our daily practice should be about. And as a beginner I was never made to feel intimidated by others with years more experience, because as Peter himself says (with three decades under his belt!), that he too is still a beginner. His humility serves as a great inspiration for all of us to be more profound in not only our practice, but daily life as well. I want to thank Vera for organizing this workshop and bringing Peter to Portugal. ''Never take your first sun salutation for granted!''    
Laura A.

*fotos tiradas por Rita Oliveira. 
*photos taken by Rita Oliveira.

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