Aprender a comer depois de já sermos adultos, parece-me muito mais complicado do que quando somos crianças. O corpo pede muita coisa, e numa grande parte das vezes não é porque temos fome, mas porque estamos cansados, porque dormimos pouco, porque estamos desidratados, etc.
Vou começar a escrever algumas opções, faço tudo a olho, não sou boa com medidas. Quando tirar a receita de algum lado, farei a referência.
PORRIDGE DE MAÇÃ E BAUNILHA (perfeito para um pequeno-almoço de Domingo)
1 maçã verde
1 taça (pequena) de aveia
1 pitada de sal
1 pitada de baunilha
2 taças de água
7 ou mais framboesas
3 ou mais figos secos
1 colher de sopa de sementes de chia
1 colher de sopa de flocos de coco.
Retire a pele da maçã, corte em gomos, coloque ao lume com a água, a aveia, o sal e a baunilha. Deixe levantar fervura e baixe o lume, espere uns instantes até a agua ser absorvida. Passe o Porridge para a taça onde irá comer, coloque por cima as framboesas, corte em bocadinhos os figos e adicione as sementes de chia e os flocos de coco. O porrigde ainda estará quente, por lá encontrará o sabor das framboesas, dos figos e do coco, deliciem-se! É simplesmente divinal e perfeito para depois da vossa prática de Domingo, ou para começarem o dia de forma conectada ao vosso corpo.
What works for me will probably be different for each of you. What my body needs, it may be the opposite of yours. Of course, there are some basic indications where to start, I took many years to figure out what worked with me, my body was complicated, it asked me so much that i did not understand it, led me to choose wrongly and so often that I hit my head against the wall, i finally started understanding what made me good and what nurtured my body and what satisfied this mind full of pitfalls. I already was practicing Ashtanga a few years, and even that i study about food, the truth is that i had food cravings for that packet of biscuits, chocolate, and all what was sweet. I began to think i had a serious problem, not make any sense, I choose for a regular Yoga practice life and after i was invading my body with kilos of totally harmful foods to my health and my practice.
I continued to practice, continued to read and study, continued to try to reach a balance in the way i cook and how fed me. I passed years meditating about it, years testing and i create some knowledge, knowledge gained by reading books and books and experience in vivo test mode throughout these almost 34 years.
Learning to eat after we are already adults, it seems much more complicated than when we are children. The body asks a lot, and a large part of the time is not because we are hungry, but because we are tired, because we sleep little, because we are dehydrated, etc. I will start writing to you some options, i do everything by eye, I'm not good with measurements. When i take a receipt from somewhere, I will write the reference.
APPLE AND VANILLA PORRIDGE (perfect for a Sunday breakfast)
1 green apple
1 cup (small) oatmeal
1 pinch of salt
1 pinch of vanilla
2 cups of water
7 or more raspberries
3 or more figs
1 tablespoon of chia seeds
1 tbsp coconut flakes.
Remove the skin of the apple, cut into wedges, put the fire with water, oats, salt and vanilla. Bring to a boil and lower the heat, wait a moment until the water is absorbed. Pass the Porridge for the cup where you will eat, put on top the raspberries, cut into small pieces the figs and add the seeds of chia and coconut flakes. The porrigde will still be hot, you will the taste the raspberries, the figs and coconut, enjoy it! It is simply divine and perfect for after your Sunday practice, or to start the day connected to your body.
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