Pelas janelas do Shala vejo a linha horizontal de laranja e amarelo sobre o azul do mar. Inevitavelmente relembro a sensação de colocar no meu dia-a-dia as lições da prática. Parece-me que por vezes deixamo-nos levar pelo frenesim mental e emocional endurecido pela capa rija de medo e insegurança. A nossa voz interna pede calma, serenidade, mas agimos no e pelo impulso, perdendo a lição sobre o desapego e a vivência do momento.
Depois mais cedo ou mais tarde, lá subimos ao tapete, ritmamos a entrada e saída de ar, limpamos a mente do que foi vivido por dias, largando o stress e a compressão e tudo entra num outro modo, o coração talvez continue pesado, a mente talvez procure ainda pensar, analisar e reflectir, mas damos inicio à nossa prática, que concebe a oportunidade de relaxarmos, de restituirmos foco, concentração e de munirmo-nos de confiança. Lá fora o sol começa a surgir, cá dentro há calor, pessoas como eu e tu, a procurarem pela prática um estado interno que possamos utilizar para lá dos limites do nosso tapete e para lá daquilo que tínhamos como limites pessoais.
From the windows of the Shala i see the horizontal line of orange and yellow on the blue sea. Inevitably i remember the feeling of putting on my day to day the lessons of the practice. It seems to me that sometimes we get carried away by mental and emotional frenzy hardened by a tough cover of fear and insecurity. Our inner voice calls for calm, serenity, but we act in and for impulse, losing the lesson about letting go and living the moment.
We hit with the head, again and again, fighting the opportunity to overcome fears and transformation of structures and patterns built up over years, and we suffer more. Only after the head hurt, we raise our eyes beyond our navel, and we notice the beauty out there, the sunrise, or the colors of the sky, and the immediate consequent change in our breathing and the transmutation of our energy. It seems to me that everything change when we stop fighting, when we give the change to, without running away and without trying to do anything, feel exactly what causes us pain, discomfort, breathlessness, anxiety, fear.
Then sooner or later, we step on our mat, we give a rhythm to the entry and exist of air, cleaning the mind from what we experienced for days, releasing stress and compression and it seems that everything goes in another way, the heart may still be heavy, the mind may still want to keep thinking, searching, analyzing and reflecting, but we start our practice, which gives us the opportunity to relax, to bring back focus, and concentration, giving us confidence. Outside the sun begins to emerge, inside there is heat, people like you and me, searching by the practice an internal state that we can use beyond the limits of our mats, and beyond what we had as personal boundaries.
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