Como é que uma mulher pequena, magrinha, madura, com um sorriso fácil, dócil, com uma natureza simpática, simples, consegue conduzir-nos até aos nossos limites para observarmos de muito perto, as nossas barreiras internas e físicas? Para depois enquanto sentimos e vivemos, vivenciarmos em profundidade a importante lição de melhor respirarmos, soltarmos, aceitarmos onde estamos, libertando-nos para uma experiência reveladora do potencial do Yoga.
Não sei se todas as mulheres professoras com os anos de prática e experiência que Louise Ellis detém farão o mesmo, mas confesso-vos que há muito tempo que procurava uma professora de Ashtanga Yoga e acho que finalmente encontrei.
Existem muitos professores homens de Ashtanga Yoga que têm o reconhecimento geral de toda a comunidade Ashtangui, e eu tenho tido o enorme privilégio de conhecer, de estudar e de considerar alguns, como meus professores directos.
Mas como mulher, como praticante mulher, é uma dádiva conhecer e estudar com outra mulher.
Particularmente quando falamos de uma mulher como Louise, que veio comprovar que praticar e ensinar Ashtanga é possível, sejamos mulheres ou homens.
Obrigada Louise, foi imensamente especial e inspirador.
Obrigada Denen Yoga.
*Fotos retiradas de arquivo pessoal, Workshop de Ashtanga Yoga com Louise Ellis, em Denen Yoga, Hendaye, Agosto, 2013.
How does a small woman, skinny, mature, with an easy smile, sweet, with a nature friendly, simple, can lead us to our limits to observe very closely, our physical and internal barriers? And then while we feel and live, we experience in depth the important lesson of better breathe, letting go, accepting where we are, freeing us for a revelatory experience of the potential of Yoga.
I do not know if all women teachers with years of practice and experience that Louise Ellis holds will do the same, but I confess to you that long ago that i was looking for a woman teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and I think I finally found it.
There are many Ashtanga Yoga men teachers who have general recognition of a whole Ashtangui community and I have had the great privilege to meet, study and consider some as my direct teachers.
But as a woman, as a woman practitioner, is a gift to know and study with another woman.
Particularly when we talk about a woman like Louise, who came to prove that practice and teach Ashtanga is possible, whether we are women or men.
Thanks Louise, was immensely special and inspiring.
Thank Denen Yoga.
Particularmente quando falamos de uma mulher como Louise, que veio comprovar que praticar e ensinar Ashtanga é possível, sejamos mulheres ou homens.
Obrigada Louise, foi imensamente especial e inspirador.
Obrigada Denen Yoga.
*Fotos retiradas de arquivo pessoal, Workshop de Ashtanga Yoga com Louise Ellis, em Denen Yoga, Hendaye, Agosto, 2013.
How does a small woman, skinny, mature, with an easy smile, sweet, with a nature friendly, simple, can lead us to our limits to observe very closely, our physical and internal barriers? And then while we feel and live, we experience in depth the important lesson of better breathe, letting go, accepting where we are, freeing us for a revelatory experience of the potential of Yoga.
I do not know if all women teachers with years of practice and experience that Louise Ellis holds will do the same, but I confess to you that long ago that i was looking for a woman teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and I think I finally found it.
There are many Ashtanga Yoga men teachers who have general recognition of a whole Ashtangui community and I have had the great privilege to meet, study and consider some as my direct teachers.
But as a woman, as a woman practitioner, is a gift to know and study with another woman.
Particularly when we talk about a woman like Louise, who came to prove that practice and teach Ashtanga is possible, whether we are women or men.
Thanks Louise, was immensely special and inspiring.
Thank Denen Yoga.
* Photos taken from personal archive, Ashtanga Yoga Workshop with Louise Ellis in Denen Yoga, Hendaye, August, 2013.
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