Há 5 meses que o meu marido mudou de vida, fui reparando que passou a acordar cedo, bem cedo, despachava-se e vinha dar-me um beijinho quando estava prestes a sair de casa, eu ainda estava naquele estado de mais para lá do que acordada, sentia-lhe o beijo e escutava ao longe as suas palavras, "Vou para o Yoga.". Quando ele saía, eu abria os olhos para espreitar o relógio, eram 6.10 da manhã! Aquilo começou por três vezes à semana, até que passou a ser a rotina de 5 dias da semana, fui denotando as mudanças no seu corpo, emagreceu, não que precisasse, mas mês a mês os abdominais ganharam a forma de outros tempos, e acima de tudo ria-se constantemente, brincava comigo, ligava-me a meio da manhã para contar alguma piada, trabalhava com muito mais animo, ao jantava contava com entusiasmo sobre os projectos que estava a desenvolver para Angola. E mesmo quando ia a Luanda controlar as duas novas obras, além da mala, levava agora um tapete de Yoga!
Imaginem o meu marido, aquele homem alto, de fato vestido, com um saco com um tapete de Yoga ao ombro, esta imagem daria para o princípio de um simpático filme publicitário às águas, do Luso ou das Pedras, ou outra marca, tipo: engenheiro civil de sucesso, fato vestido, reuniões para decisões em grandes obras e bebe um golo de água, haveria um primeiro plano ao rótulo da garrafa e de seguida um outro plano com o mesmo homem, o meu marido, a fazer o tal do Ashtanga, em plena respiração e movimentos, no fim ouvíamos uma voz suave de fundo "Mude de vida, beba água do Luso, (ou Pedras, ou outra qualquer) e faça Yoga!".
Os meses passaram e o Francisco parecia realmente estar numa fase feliz e eu estava feliz por aquilo tudo, ele falava com entusiasmo do tal do Shala, da prática de Ashtanga, da professora, de ter recebido posturas novas, das aulas Guiadas das 6as feiras, dos colegas de prática. O Ashtanga passou a fazer parte do seu dia-a-dia, mesmo em viagens fazia a tal das sequências. E eu presenciei algumas vezes à sua prática, como quando fomos em viagem os dois pelo nosso 5º ano de casamento e ele trouxe o tapete com ele. Paris, romance, caminhadas a dois e Ashtanga Yoga pela manhã, no quarto de hotel. Lembro-me de abri os olhos e de o ver em cima do tapete, acordei logo, porque quis assistir ao vivo, achei lindo o meu marido a fazer posturas, a respirar, com ar de concentrado. E quando ele acabou, disse-lhe, "Quando voltarmos quero ir contigo experimentar uma aula". Ele respondeu, ainda a suar e a sorrir, "Joana estava a ver que nunca mais pedias! Vais adorar logo na primeira aula!"
E claro que agora somos dois cá em casa, a acordar cedo e a irmos para o nosso Ashtanga, também já tenho um saco e tapete de Yoga e definitivamente quando penso nisto tudo, nestes últimos 5 meses, lembro-me outra vez do filme publicitário às águas, acho que eu e o Francisco seríamos uns protagonistas à altura, de qualquer comercial de águas, com gás ou sem. Seria tipo: ali vão eles, tão queridos, bebem a água tal e fazem Ashtanga Yoga, sorriem e são felizes para todo o sempre. Era tão bom a parte do felizes para sempre! Mas como os contos de fadas não existem, por agora bebemos água, de várias marcas e com gás também, fazemos Ashtanga e sorrimos na maioria dos dias!
Se é culpa da água ou do Ashtanga? Isso não sei!
It has passed 5 months ago that my husband changed his life, I was noticing that he started to wake up early, very early, once he finish his preparations, he would give me a kiss as he was about to leave home, I was still in that state more sleeping than awake, felt his kiss and listened from far his words, "I go to Yoga.". When he left, I opened my eyes to peek at the clock, it was 6:10 in the morning!
It started three times a week, until it became his routine of five days of the week, I denoted the changes in his body, lost weight, not that much needed, but month-to-month he won abdominal form of other times, and above all, he laughed constantly, teased me, called me mid-morning to tell a joke, worked much happier, at dinner he would spoke with enthusiasm on projects that he was developing for Angola. And even when he went to Luanda, to control both new works, he brought in addition to the suitcase, a yoga mat! Imagine my husband, that tall man dressed in suit, with a suitcase and with a yoga mat on the shoulder, this would give the principle of friendly advertising film to water, LUSO or PEDRAS, or other brand, type: civil engineer success, dress in a suit, meetings to decisions on major works and drink a sip of water, there would be a big plan to the label of the bottle and then another plan with the same man, my husband, practicing Ashtanga in full breath and movements, at the end we would heard a soft voice fund "Change your life, drink water of Luso (or Pedras, or whatever) and do yoga!".It has passed 5 months ago that my husband changed his life, I was noticing that he started to wake up early, very early, once he finish his preparations, he would give me a kiss as he was about to leave home, I was still in that state more sleeping than awake, felt his kiss and listened from far his words, "I go to Yoga.". When he left, I opened my eyes to peek at the clock, it was 6:10 in the morning!
Months passed and Francisco seemed to be in a happy time and I was glad for it, he spoke with such enthusiasm of the Shala, the practice of Ashtanga, the teacher, having received new positions, the Guided classes of Friday morning, the practice peers. The Ashtanga became part of his day-to-day, even on trips, he made the postures sequences. And I witnessed a few times his practice, like when we both travelled for our 5th year of marriage and he brought the mat with him. Paris, romance, walking side by side and Ashtanga Yoga in the morning, in the hotel room. I remember I opened my eyes and see him on the mat, I woke up just because i wanted to watch in live, my husband, i thought he was beautiful, doing postures, breathing, looking so focused. When he finished, I told him, "When we get back I want to go with you try a class." He said, still sweating and smiling, "Joan i was already thinking that you weren´t going to ask! You'll love it, right on your first class!"
Of course, now we are two at our home, to get up early and go to our Ashtanga, i also already have a bag and yoga mat, and definitely when I think about it all these last five months, I remember again the advertising film of the waters, and I think that me and Francisco we would be great protagonists of any water commercial, with or without gas. Would be like, there they go, so sweet, drinking water and practicing Ashtanga Yoga, smiling and will be happy ever after. It was so good the part of the happily ever after! But as the fairy tales do not exist, for now we drink water, various brands and also with gas, we do Ashtanga, and we smile most days! If is from the water or the Ashtanga? I do not know!